Monday, 18 March 2019

Week 7

Powtoon about my life goals

Hello there, here I am again to update a new lesson for this week. So as I mentioned in my post earlier, I have to do a Powtoon video about my life goals. Hence, I do a list of the things that I have been dreaming to have in my life. Well, actually I have a lottttttttt of goals that I want to achieve. But the thing is the video should do for a 1-minute video that displays those goals. Because of that, I decided to only have a few goals and keep the rest in my heart. 

So, once I finish listing my goals, I choose the theme that I want to use for the video. I choose the one that writes “more templates”. Then I clicked it, the web display any kind of templates that I can choose an appropriate template according to my topic. 

So what I did was, I chose the template that was actually for celebrating of event or festival but I changed the theme to my life goals. It was hard at first to familiar with the thumbnails that showing at the top side but then again my lecture showed me how to use it. I could choose to create a mood so that I would be able to adjust everything in there. The font as well I could change it according to my liking.  The most interesting part was I could add effects on the wording. I was on the cloud nine when I managed to do it.  

Here are my shameless life goals...........

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Week 14

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