Thursday, 21 February 2019

Week 4


Hi peeps, today i learned about podcast. It is not something unusual to me because i always try to find my own time to just listen to podcast but apparently i am quite busy handling my life as a student, being a student, means i need to do a lot of things on my own. So what is podcast? It can be said as a program (music or talk) that made available in digital format for automatic download over the Internet. Therefore, it works amazingly to almost everyone who want to squeeze your time while doing something with interesting information. As for me, obviously when i am about to have my lunch or dinner. 

Podcast Review 

In the second lecture class, my lecturer asked the whole class to explore podbay and choose the podcast that we want to listen as it require me to choose and do a review about it. Thus, i chose to listen something related to health topic because as for me it was important to know about my health knowing that i was really scared to go to the hospital even a clinic. It traumatized me and i would do anything to avoid going to those places. But, there was a podcast post that seemed to catch my attention. So i clicked it. Anddddddddd it turned out about the mindset & motivation podcastby Rob Dial. He was a motivational speaker.  It slapped me on my own face when i listened to his topic about "Be Humble"
Here is my review regarding the podcast that i listened yesterday, 

and to make it more spiciest, the first question was " When was your last time you humbling yourself?" . He marked that we as human always being selfish all the time that was the major cause to our problems that we faced now. And because of that, we as human are not happy in our life, our current situation that we have, we always wanted to have more and more and more in our head whereas there are a lot people who need money, who wanted to have our life as we have now, more resources and more happiness than we do. Everything does not seem enough for us. You keep on complaining, whining, and worrying on something that cannot keep you at ease. the biggest reason is because "you always focusing on yourself too much" we don really get ourselves outside of our world and look how beautiful life is because all you do is focusing on yourself for the entire time. So when you are so busy concentrating with your own things you tend to not help other people especially for those who needed help from you. You will be humble when you see other people problem and compare to yours. Stop judging people. you will realize that you have more than you need actually where it called as humbling experience. Focusing more on self-less! Constantly put in your head that there are a lot of people who need your help and doing something good by helping others challenge for yourself. When you give money to others and you still have money in your bank account. You will realize that there is no harm helping others. You can feel more blessed and humble within yourself. You will be happy when you make the world become a better place for them. This speaker deliver his speech very well, honestly his words touch a soft spot in my heart. I will change myself from now on, no more focusing on myself for the rest of my life. 

 The more you give, the more you get. 

Week 3

Search Engines & Online Data base

Hello everyone! I'm about to update my blog again for the topic that i have learnt for this week, search engines and online database. So, Search engines is a web-based program that collects and organizes content from all over the internet. Apart from that, i also learn about Meta search engines. It is a search tool that sends queries to several other search engines and compiles the results into a list. 

Second class lecture

Not only that, i learn about Computer Mediated Communication & ESL as well. Computer Mediated Communication is actually any form of communication or interaction between two or more people. Moreover, it is a process whereby people can interact or perceive information with others. But lets focus cmc in education aspect.

There are two types of CMC which are :

Futhermore, CMC also bring benefits for those who do long distance learning especially. It allows the teacher and leaner to communicate or interact without being in the same location such as, video conferencing & e tutoring. Lastly, Collaborative learning which stands for Computer - Supported Collaborative Learning. The computers can help entrance peer interaction & group week via social interaction through internet. It can be considered as e-commerce learning. Hence, CMC really do have a lot of advantages towards the students as well as the teachers.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Week 2

Week 2

Yes, exactly holiday mood is on! Not exactly holiday because i need to update my blog post and so on. Spent my break with the family and friends. Held a small birthday celebration for my sister. And not to forget i would like to wish Happy Chinese New Year to those who celebrate it. 

Lets begin with lesson that i have learnt in last week lectures. The first class on Monday, the topic that i learnt for that day was introduction to  CALL which stood acronym for Computer-Assisted Language Learning. It was like some sort of e-learning style where computer technology was used in the context of language learning. Moreover, it was also widely used to introduce the area of technology and second language teaching as well as learning. It was also used ever since 1960's. 

There were a few types of CALL programme, which consisted of Behaviorist, Communicative and Integrative CALL. From this lesson class i could aware that Behavioristic was a programme that meant to instruct and involve a repetitive drill, so when you repeated again and again you would remember it. Next, Communicative which focused on the usage of the language rather than perfect grammar and also software was used in the era included text reconstruction programme. Last but not least, Integrated which could be know as recent stage of CALL. Began with the use of  CD-Rom to store large amounts of authentic media that can be used as materials. 

In the second class lecture, i learnt about Canva. It was a cool website that could do a lot of things. I meant EVERYTHING!!

so the website looked like this. It could be utilized to do a Flyer, Birthday card, Wedding invitation and  Instagram post. Really this website was very useful for people who needed to design something for an event. On top of that, Canva also provided you with beautiful templates that only required you to choose and edit it according to your preference. But, important for you to know that perhaps you should choose the free template or else you would have to pay for that template that did not provide as free template. Then, my lecturer, Madam Azida, instructed us to use Canva to put in our blog as our first post. Thus, if i ever wanted to plan something or invite people obviously i would definitely use Canva, even though i was a bit slow in discovering the features in there but it was not a problem to me as long as it would look decent to my eyes. 

Till the next post; 

Week 14

Hi guys! I am here again to update new things happen for the past week. Last week, My group did courseware learning by using smartb...